The Cutest Cats of Myanmar

I’m not gonna lie, cats are pretty cute animals. If it weren’t for Sidney’s fascination with felines, I might have never noticed how interesting they are. Myanmar is just jampacked with a ton of stray cats and dogs who are totally not camera shy. Here are some of my favorites. Most were taken in Myanmar but the last three pics were in Melaka, Malaysia.



A Cat on Mandalay Hill

Myanmar Cat 1

Puppies Waiting For Lunch

Puppies in Myanmar


Sidney spots a Playful Stray

Sidney spots a cat

The ‘Cuddliest Cat in the World’

The cuddliest cat

A Sleepy Kitten

Sleepy cat

Mom Feeding Her Young Kitten

Mommy cat

A Sick Kitten

sick cat

Two Kittens Follow Mommy Cat

Follow the leader cat

The Sick Kitten Awakens

Another sick cat


Having a Fantastic Dream

Dreamy cat

Training for His Audition with MGM

Lion King cat

Another Dreaming Cat

Another dreaming cat


Hope you enjoyed!

Julio Moreno
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