Australian Convict Sites

Australian Convict Sites 2Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia

Visited: Sept 16, 2014

Site Type: Cultural

Inscribed: 2010

Background and Opinion:

Before passing by Sydney on a long layover from Malaysia to New Zealand, my knowledge of Australian history was limited. To my understanding, thousands and thousands of prisoners were pretty much dropped off in this new British territory to fend for themselves. A century or two later, they somehow escaped, became advanced, and had the will to fight in WW2 all the while becoming a first world country. Read more

Sydney Opera House

Sydney Opera HouseLocation: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Visited: Sept 16, 2014

Site Type: Cultural

Inscribed: 2007

Background and Opinion:

The Sydney Opera House is an iconic structure in Australia marking a deviation from traditional architecture of the 20th century. Many consider it a masterpiece and its setting in Sydney Harbor adds to the ambiance.

Sydney Harbor

It is really hard to hide my disappointment when it comes to this site. I had been looking forward to seeing this building, world heritage or not, for as long as I can remember. From a distance, it looked nice, but the closer we got, the less impressive it was.  Read more